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Design Thinking Innovation Certification Course
Introductory Materials
About this Program
Visual Workbook for Innovation Step-by-Step
Innovation Step-by-Step book PDF
Module: Getting Started with Design Thinking
Video Recording from Live Event with Darin Eich, Ph.D. - Grow with Design Thinking (56:11)
Starting with Design Thinking 101 Slides
Persona Templates
What is Design Thinking? Understand it to teach it. (39:16)
Module: Innovation 101: Design Thinking (Online Workshop)
Part 1: Motivation to Innovate (13:07)
Part 2: Focusing your Innovation Challenge into Questions of Opportunity (4:53)
Part 3: Generating New Ideas by Making it BrainRain (14:11)
Part 4: Analyzing, Validating and Conceptualizing your Ideas to Launch (14:44)
Innovation 101 Slides
Assignments & Activities
Module: Innovative Mindset Part I (Online Workshop)
1 Growing from where you are with an innovative mindset (2:59)
2 What is an innovative mindset? (12:03)
3 Your innovation timeline and motivating origin story (9:04)
4 Reorganize yourself at higher level (6:42)
5 Thinking about your thinking (18:03)
Innovative Mindset Online Course Slides
Innovative Mindset Online Course Handouts
Assignments & Activities
Module: Innovative Mindset Part II
6 Acorn Project (9:24)
7 Quote acorn project demo (6:02)
8 Acorn habit (2:51)
9 Innovation mindset quotes video (37:58)
Innovation Mindset Quotes Reflection eBook
Assignments & Activities
Quote image slides PDF
Module: Facilitation Tools & Techniques: Design and lead a better workshop, presentation, or group session
Part 1: Theories of Learning and Engagement for Group Facilitation (11:36)
Part 2: The Group Facilitation Experience (13:38)
Part 3: Group Facilitation Tools and Activities (13:52)
Part 4: Facilitation Design (12:01)
Innovative Facilitator Activity Guide PDF
Session Strategy Template &/or Assessment
Session Strategy Template &/or Assessment (PPT)
Bonus Module: Virtual Facilitation with a Collaborative Whiteboard (13:15)
Module: Training and Facilitating Design Thinking for Beginners
Get them in the Right Mindset: Setting the Stage with the Mindsets for Design Thinking (8:03)
Part One: Diverging, Challenge Sharing, Question & Idea Gathering & Synthesizing (7:16)
Part Two: Converging, Selecting & Prototyping (7:04)
Small Group "on the spot" Design Thinking Process, Video Overview & Session Outline (14:15)
Training Others in the Design Thinking Process, Methods, and Tools
Design Thinking Training Workshop Session you can lead for the First Time (27:25)
Design Thinking Facilitator Toolkits
Design Thinking Resources, Frameworks, & Toolkits
Design a Virtual Design Thinking Session Online
Virtual Design Thinking Session Online
Virtual / Remote Concept Validation & Selection Session
Designing a session with virtual collaborative whiteboards (like Miro or Mural) (7:30)
Module: Apply Design Thinking to Prototype and Test your New Workshop or Program
What New Workshop or Session Might you Design, Facilitate (and Make your Project)? (7:16)
Introduction to Workshop Design: Learn the essentials of designing a workshop, training class, or session. (1:20)
Prototyping and Testing Your Material
Finding Your Audience: Tips and strategies for getting participants for your prototype sessions. (10:32)
Prototyping Methods: Practical steps for creating and testing prototypes, in a group setting or one-on one. (79:53)
Session Design Prototype Worksheet
Feedback and Iteration: Techniques for collecting feedback and refining your program based on audience insights. (16:41)
Complete Design and Facilitation Project for Design Thinking Innovation Certification
Earn Your Certificate
Module: Entrepreneur Innovation: Create YOUR product or service (Online Workshop)
Part I: Envision to clarify your unique opportunity (14:48)
Part 2: Generate new product, service, or business ideas (15:43)
Part 3: Analyze & synthesize your ideas into valuable concepts (13:28)
Part 4: Test & select to communicate & take action (15:59)
Assignments & Activities
Starting YOUR Innovation Project: Webinar Video Recording & PDF Workbooks
Starting YOUR Innovation Project Webinar Video Recording (54:43)
Module: Higher Levels of Innovation Learning (Online Workshop)
Part 1 Personal learning and development of innovative skills (13:02)
Part 2 Origin stories (12:20)
Part 3 Apply methods for innovation like design thinking (7:20)
Part 4 Perspectives for innovating (15:31)
Part 5 Programs and events for innovation (10:18)
Part 6 Skills and mindset for innovation (7:58)
Higher Levels of Innovation Learning Slides
Higher Levels of Innovation Learning Notes Handout
Best Innovation Books article
Organizational Innovation article
Assignments & Activities
Enact your Innovative Mindset to Grow and TAKE ACTION
Video of Live Keynote (33:01)
Prototyping and Testing Your Material
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