Part 1: Innovative Facilitator Stories

Follow along with the video modules to reflect on your own story and facilitation practice. This reflection combined with applying our tools and techniques could ultimately help you innovate how you facilitate. The videos share activities to do to gain understanding of your practice and create ideas for the future. If you are using this program with a group, do these activities with a partner where you "think-pair-share" your reflection or story. Or, if you are doing this program solo, reflect on your own and elaborate to greater depth.

Innovative Facilitator Online Workshop Learning Outcomes:

  • Grow the inner flexibility, openness, and presence to innovate as a facilitator.
  • Learn tools, techniques, and activities you can do on the fly (because things change).
  • Create your own toolkit of strategies, techniques, & activities to use on the spot.
  • Design for the people you are the moment.

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