Design Thinking your Career for your Life
Design your career for your life. Reflect, gain insight and design your own unique path forward.
Program Curriculum
StartWorkshop 1: Your Key Experiences, Tools & Resources (14:39)
StartWorkshop 2: Your Visual Story & Hero’s Journey (17:52)
StartWorkshop 3: Your Strengths & Passionate Interests (13:59)
StartWorkshop 4 Your Key Experience Artifacts & Specific Strengths-Interests-Values (15:40)
StartWorkshop 5: Envision your Challenge & Create Questions & Ideas (16:01)
StartWorkshop 6: Analysis, Concepts, Validation, & Communication to Launch Your Path Direction (17:30)
StartBONUS: Storytelling & Building Blocks Activity Demonstrated Live (25:22)
StartBONUS: Visual Journal for Developing your Ideas
StartBONUS: Innovation Step-by-Step Book PDF
Do you have interests, values, and strengths that you would like to integrate more into your life? Do you have expertise you are building but need to know where to focus and what opportunities to take action on?
This Design Thinking program helps you to reflect and gain insight from your key life experiences, identify what authentically makes you at your best, and transform that wisdom into a design for your life that integrates the best of you professionally, personally, and academically.
Through a system of activities, you will create a strategy for the path you will create for your future based on what you have learned. You will not only be more clear about what it is you want to do, but you will create ideas for experiences or steps to take to immediately move in your focused direction.
You don't have to have it "all figured out" to do this program. This program helps you to figure it out. Do you feel somewhat unsure what your next step is for your career and life? This is a next step and a path that you can create.
Do people keep asking you “so what do you want to do?” and you don't have a clear answer for that question?
Are there are a lot of things that you “want” to do, but just not sure how to go about it or how to get there. Try using a design thinking approach for your career and life to create your own unique path.
This program was designed for college students but is applicable to anyone who would like to reflect to design their own unique professional life.
Your Instructor
Darin Eich, Ph.D. is an innovation training workshop designer, design thinking training facilitator, keynote speaker & the founder of InnovationLearning.org. His speciality is designing and facilitating high-impact innovative leadership programs. He is also the author of
Innovation Step-by-Step: How to Create & Develop Ideas for your Challenge and Root Down & Branch Out: Best Practices for Leadership Development Programs.
Darin's passion involves helping people to become themselves, find and live their strengths, and become more creative, innovative and successful leaders. Darin is a conference keynote speaker and helps institutions develop leadership programs & retreats. He also facilitates professional brainstorming, facilitation training, and innovation sessions for large organizations.
A variety of organizations listed below have utilized Darin's innovative facilitation, consulting, keynotes & workshops, and leadership development programs for training and innovation. Our programs and expertise have also been featured in various media publications.