Workshop 1: Envision to Clarify Your Challenge and Questions

The video program shows examples and guides you through a system to help you generate and develop more and better entrepreneurial ideas you can launch. In the videos, I show and facilitate you through a real project with my example of developing new product ideas (including the one you are using right now). The purpose is to help you utilize your innovation skills and a system to generate and develop more and better ideas for your entrepreneurial endeavors. Just follow along with a journal and do each activity I show but for your own challenge meaningful to you.

Activity – You will:

  • Visualize your entreprenurial challenge.
  • Envision your ideal future outcomes.
  • Find ways to create new products, services, and revenue.

Product – You will create & develop:

  • A document of your innovation process.
  • A question ladder to help narrow down your challenge.

Outcome – You will learn how to:

  • Determine the specific challenge you would like to work on now.
  • Get inside the mind of your customers and stakeholders.
  • Leverage the assets you already have to create new innovations.

Entrepreneur Innovation Module 1 Slides.pdf
Entrepreneur Innovation Module 1 Notes Handout.pdf
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